Australia dessert

Australia Visit Visa – Tourism, Business and Family Visits

Australia, a land of boundless allure, captivates with its natural marvels and dynamic economy. From the vibrant hues of the Great Barrier Reef to the vast Outback, it boasts diverse landscapes and indigenous heritage. As the world’s sixth-largest country, bordered by the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Australia’s cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth buzz with innovation, enriching its global presence.

-Full Name: Commonwealth of Australia

-Population: Approximately 25 million (as of the latest estimates)

-Capital: Canberra

-Largest City: Sydney

-Area: Approximately 7.69 million sq km (2.97 million sq miles)

-Major Language: English

-Major Religion: Christianity (with diverse religious communities including Catholicism, Anglicanism, and others)


Visa Description

-Visit Visas are required for South African, African, Asian, and South American passport holders entering Australia.

-Biometrics are to be done by all applicants at the Australian biometric centres in Johannesburg,Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban or Port Elizabeth and appointment fees payable at the biometric centre with a credit or debit card by appointment after the application has been lodged. Biometrics have to be done within 14 days after the visa has been

-Visa Solutions assists with online application, document consultation, supporting document submission and biometrics appointment scheduling.

-The visa process typically takes between 4-6 weeks.

-Apply at least 7 weeks before departure; applications accepted up to 3 months in advance.

-Biometrics are mandatory for all foreign nationals aged 14 to 79

Australia Visit Visa Fees

R900 Visa Solutions Service fee (VAT incl.)

R3 500 Australia Visitor Visa Application Charge

R4 400 Total Cost

Visa Process:

After receiving your payment, follow the next steps:

-Fill in the application form sent to you by your consultant and send it back

-Gather your supporting documents

-Send all your supporting documents to your visa consultant

-Your consultant will load your application form on your behalf and submit your supporting documents

-Visa Solutions can assist with the full procedure from online capturing,uploading of documentation, submission and payment of the visa as well as registering the applicant for the biometric collection and securing an appointment on the Biometric Centre’s appointment portal.

Additional Information:


Note: An airline ticket is not a visa requirement and does not in itself lead to a visa being granted. You should not make unalterable or non-refundable travel arrangements until you have confirmation you have been granted a visa.

Benefits of using Visa Solutions (PTY) Ltd

  1. Expertise: Visa agents are knowledgeable and experienced in navigating the visa application process.
  2. Time Savings: They streamline the process, saving you valuable time and effort.
  3. Increased Approval Chances: Their assistance minimizes errors and maximizes approval likelihood.
  4. Personalized Assistance: Tailored support for your specific visa needs and circumstances.
  5. Peace of Mind: Professional guidance provides reassurance and reduces stress.
  6. Handling Complex Situations: They excel in addressing challenging scenarios, ensuring effective presentation to immigration
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